De la loi au code : les conditions de mise en place de la décision publique automatisée


Thèse soutenue par

  • Aïda IBRAHIM
    Doctorante en Droit. Droit et changement social (DCS) UMR CNRS 6297, Nantes Université
    (début de thèse : Mai 2021)

Sous la direction de :

  • Jean-Pierre Clavier (UFR Droit et Sciences Politiques, Nantes Université)
  • Sonia Desmoulin-canselier (DCS Droit et Changement Social (UMR 6297 CNRS/ Nantes Université))


Public decision making is being increasingly influenced by the use of algorithmic systems. Automated public decision making can be materialized by the use of recommender systems, as well as decisional ones. This thesis wants to analyse the impact that such systems may have in the public decision. A dual approach is used, based on the assumption that a public decisional system is both a technical and legal system, that should be analyzed as a whole. Concepts such as transparency, explainability, accountability and contestability are the backbone of the new legal approach to algorithmic systems, and will allow us to iterate between law and computer science. In one hand, we analyse some use cases (ScoreCoeur, Parcoursup, DataJust) to see how the transformation of the public decision making is taking place. In the other hand, an analysis of the current legislation allows to find its shortcomings and to reflect in which way the law can or should move forward.
Mis à jour le 02 février 2023.